Saturday, February 27, 2010

The dance bag is the lifeline to any dancer. The items inside will secure the survival of most situations in the dance world.  Things to have in your dance bag should include:

a LARGE water bottle.
bandaids for those unexpected injuries.
some sort of protein bar or granola bar for a quick snack in between hours of rehearsal. You will need it for energy.
bobbi pins for fixing and securing the bun.

your dance shoes...of course.
athletic tape for sprains or injured toes.
extra tights. you never know when you might get a hole in the ones you are wearing.
a towel to wipe off the sweat and keep you fresh.

Now you have all that you need to survive! Happy Dancing!

Friday, February 26, 2010

{the bun}

Most dancers and teachers know the importance of the BUN. Not only does it take a science, a precise twisting, tight pinning and then the famous "shake" test to see if it can withstand intense jumping, sweating...dancing, but it serves a very serious purpose. The bun is to get all hair off the neck so as to make sure correct alignment is being taught along with technique. The neck is very important in the role of any curriculum and thus the bun was created to help achieve the best levels of posture and grace.


Have you ever noticed why dancers look "strange"? They do have method to their madness. For instance, SWEATS...
A dancer will wear their sweats inside-out so they don't get fuzzies all over their tights. 

So next time you think a dancer has walked out the door without looking in the mirror just remember they have probably given it MORE thought than most would.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Stretching is the most important part of any dancer's regime. When stretching be careful not to bounce but hold each stretch for at least 10 seconds.

*Tip of the day: Reach until it burns then pull back one inch and hold.