Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Stretching with Kids

It is very imporant to teach younger children the importance of stretching. Starting at a young age is a good idea. Here are some simple stretches you can do with you kids, or in your Pre-School Dance classes.

1. Pike stretch: have your tiny dancers touch the sky (reach up) then touch their toes.
2. Butterfly stretch: I tell my girls they can fly anywhere they want. They go around the room telling me where they want to fly. Then we "smell our feet" (head to toes).

3. Point and Flex: We sit in a circle and point and flex our feet while the girls tell me what they did that day.

4. Straddle stretch: We sit in a circle and roll out cookie dough, while stretching to the front and each side. Then we reach forward while putting our imaginary cookies in the oven. Then we set the timer and do "tic- toc" from side to side until our cookies are done.

5. Wheel Pose: I have the girls go into this bridge pose while they pretend cars are driving underneath them.

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