Thursday, March 4, 2010


Have you noticed how dancers are known for the way they carry themselves? You can usually spot a dancer in a crowd by their posture. This tip is not only for the dancer but for everyone. If you want the posture of a dancer here is what you do...

1. shoulders back and down
2. tummy in
3. chin slightly lifted
4. squeeze your "rotators" aka: holding a quarter between your cheeks.

It should look effortless...not contorted. Now, the benefits of good posture. You can correct scoliosis, you look taller and thinner, and you will appear more confident.


  1. Do you think this will work for me at nine months pregnant?

  2. Oh, and when are you going to get a photo taken of yourself to use as your header? You should capitalize on your exquisite beauty!~ Let me know what you do it and I'll help you with the design.

  3. You are so funny! Yes, when I get a picture taken I will let you design how it should be.

  4. Ooooh, yeah, I need this post! (Why did my mother never bug me about my posture???)
