Thursday, April 29, 2010

Things to do:

While you are home practicing here are a few things to remember.

Split walks- start at one end of the room and slide into the right splits, then slide into the left splits while making your way across the room.

Pilates 100- while laying on your back lift your legs to a 45 degree angle, lift your head and shoulders off the ground and pulse your hands (by your side) 100 times while breathing (sniff, sniff, blow, blow).

Foot stretch- place your feet under a couch and try to straighten your legs or have someone push down on the tops of your feet, making sure to keep your feet in correct alignment.

Battements- you can do these aggressive leg lifts while watching T.V., doing dishes or getting from point A to point B. Just remember to keep your head lifted and your chest up. Try to keep BOTH legs straight.

Plies-  You can do these in the shower or anywhere really.  Click here to find out how to do them correctly.

These are just a few basics to keep you fit while working out on your own.

1 comment:

  1. Great tips, I am always looking for ways to burn some more calories! Thanks for your reply to my discussion, it totally made my day!
